Tara talks, July 2022 news summary.. Lets step into the Political Arena…The United kingdom Prime Minister Boris Johnson has resigned. Japan’s former Prime Minister killed while giving a speech in Japan beautiful western city of Nara…President Biden trips to Israel and than on to Saudi Arabia,so says The President hopes to help bring peace between the two countries…President Biden also meets up with Saudi Crown Prince before returning in the USA…A few days later President Biden was tested positive for covid-19.. But after a week or so, Biden was tested negative for Covid..Unfortunately days later the President was retested and the test was positive for a second time with Covid-19 again. OH GOD!! The month of July it was reported that China wants to buy farmland in America? I hope the answer will be a big fat NO…Billionaire Elon Musk backs out of Twitter deal, so says Musk had a changed of mind…North Caroline entire police force walk out, so says because of newly hire progressive town manager hostile work environment. Former President Trump adviser Steve Bannon found guilty of two counts of criminal contempt of congress charges.. Governor Abbott continues with operation Lone Star. Busing migrants to NYC and D.C…So says a few thousands migrants from several counties are illegally entering Texas everyday putting a enormous stain on the State of Texas.. OH BOY!! Although gasoline prices has gone down, but food prices have risen at an all time high of 10.4%.. Sounds like we’re in a recession?…And the war between Russia and the Ukraine continue with no ending in sight. There was lots more happening in the month of July, but these are some of the top political news reports for July 2022…Stay tuned for Tara Days News news summary at the end of each month…TaraDaysNews
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